Sometimes service issues happen despite the best intentions. With the sheer volume of rides that we orchestrate every day, 100% perfection is highly improbable. While we strive for perfection, when service issues happen, we do anything and everything in our power to resolve them as quickly as possible. Your swift, direct feedback is so important to us. Rest assured, our staff will get back to you directly within 24 hours. If you want to tell us about a driver that went above and beyond, you can do that here as well. If you can remember their name or if you have the date of the interaction, we’ll be able to make sure your accolades get back to them and to our senior leaders. If your request is urgent in nature or requires immediate attention, please call the reservation line for your location.
For medical emergencies, please call 911.
You can also contact Provado Mobile Health by calling 1-877-835-7434.
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All information and personal contact information you enter on this form will be securely transmitted to CarePro directly and will be kept confidential to the extent required by HIPAA. By submitting your email address along with your feedback, you consent to communication by email from Provado CarePro. If you do not consent to email communications, please state your preferred method of communication in the comments section of this form.